What Recycling First has been up to in 2022/23

We started 2022-23 without a van driver, after our previous driver moved on to better pastures, I then doubled up as the Van driver until we advertised and interviewed for a New Driver Supervisor. We welcomed Tom Harkins as our new Part time Driver Supervisor. This period reflects on our statistic which in some cases were lower than previous year.

Once again, the level of challenge faced in 2022-2023 was extraordinary as was the response
from each staff member at Recycling First. We applaud not only the commitment and
professionalism of our staff, trainees, and volunteers. but also, their sheer stamina! Our staff
fully understand that every delivery they make is moving people out of furniture poverty and that is what drives them to give their best every single day. We also know that our workforce cannot continue to work as hard as they have been and we are working hard towards becoming an even better workplace where people can do a fair day’s work, learn, develop, and play a part in shaping the future of Recycling First.

We continued to raise awareness of furniture poverty, educated people about the potential
solutions and, ultimately, worked towards ensuring that everyone has access to the essential
furniture and goods they need to lead a secure life Each year we aim to give a comprehensive view of all our achievements in the year and also to acknowledge any areas that haven’t quite gone to plan.

We strive to fully demonstrate the impacts of our operations, both intended and unintended,
and to highlight our targets for creating more impact in the following year. After listening to
feedback from our trustees, we continue on our journey towards trying to provide a more
succinct report which examines our performance, and to use this information to improve and create more impact in the future. This renewed insight has informed and improved our decision making and social value measurement processes, all with the view to continue on the road to end furniture poverty.

Our Recycling First team, as always, were brave, creative, passionate, and professional and
continued to deliver a fantastic service. It was another successful year which is as a result of the brilliant and dedicated team we have at Recycling First.

All our reports

By recyclingfirst

Recycling First exists to collect good quality second hand furniture to distribute to disadvantaged families.