Recycling First supports referred families & individuals living in East Lothian with basic, re-used furniture and electrical items to turn their house into a home. We work on a referral basis in order to assist local residents deemed to be in need of such items so they can be further supported to maintain their tenancy, relieve poverty and prevent homelessness.
To be able to access the services in which Recycling First provides, you must be:
- A resident in East Lothian
- Referred by a local referral agency
- Receiving a means tested benefit / credit
Any Agency, Organisation, Authority can refer a client. You do not need to have previously registered with us to use the serveices. The only condition is that your client needs to be financially disadvantaged to be eligible to use the service. This could mean being on low income or in receipt of means tested benefit / credit such as:
- Income support
- Incapacity benefit
- Employment & support allowance
- Jobseeker’s allowance
- Housing benefit
- Working tax credit
- Pension credit
A nominal charge of £10 is required for every delivery.
Recycling First is a charity and reinvests any profits into the improving its service. The delivery charge reflects our need to recover some of our running costs and ensure we will be around to supply furniture to local people in the future.
We reserve the right not to accept a referral, or assist a client if:
Similar items have already been recently supplied.
Applicants make or have made a false statement regarding their application
Applicants use threatening or abusive behaviour / language to any volunteer or member of staff